Collecting Logs

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Collecting Logs

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The following logs must be provided as part of a support ticket:

System Logs

Server Logs

Client Logs (Note that Client logs are disabled by default. To enable them, you will need to change a config file parameter. Please contact support for assistance with this process.)

You can use Local Settings > Advanced > Browse Logs to open the directory where log files are saved.

To Obtain System Logs

1.Open the Event Log from System Administration (Ctrl+Alt+A) > General.

2.If desired, filter by event or camera.

3.Select the <Write To Log> action.

4.Open the context menu and choose Select All (Ctrl+A).

5.Open the context menu and choose Export Selection to File.

6.Enter a file name, choose .html or .csv file type, and save the file.

7. If desired, attach to a support ticket.

To Obtain Server Logs

1.Right-click on the desired server in Resource Tree and choose Server Logs from the context menu. The log will open in a web browser.

2.Copy all text (Ctrl+A) and paste it into a new text file.

3.Repeat this for all servers (if necessary).

4.Save the file and attach to the support ticket.

To Obtain Client Logs

Windows: C:\Users\<Local User>\AppData\Local\Digital Watchdog\Digital Watchdog DW Spectrum Client\log\

Linux: /home/<Local User>/.local/share/Digital Watchdog/Digital Watchdog DW Spectrum Client/log

Mac OS X: /Users/<Local User>/Library/Application Support/Digital Watchdog/Digital Watchdog DW Spectrum Client/log/