Configuring the Email Server

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Configuring the Email Server

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An email server must be configured for the System to be able to send emails (see "Mail Notifications"). DW Spectrum can automatically provide server settings for certain email carriers, in which case you can enter just basic information using the simple entry form. If your email carrier is not recognized (warning message "No preset found. Use 'Advanced' option"), you will need to enter the required settings manually using the Advanced entry form.

Simple Outgoing Email Settings

Configuring Mail Server for E-Mail Notifications - 1

1.Open Main Menu > System Administration (Ctrl+Alt+A) > Email tab.

2.Enter the following:

Email – Email address to use for outgoing mail.

Password – Password for the outgoing email account.

System Signature – User defined System description that will identify the System in outbound emails.

Support Signature – Support website for the DW Spectrum installation.

3.Click the Test button to confirm all settings are valid. If the test fails, use the Advanced form to configure the server manually (see below). Possible failure results:

"Cannot test such parameters" – the domain name is not supported

"No preset found" email and/or password is invalid

4.If the test is successful, press OK or Apply to accept or Cancel to discard entries. If the test is not successful you, you may have to make some changes in Advanced Settings (see below).

Advanced Outgoing Email Settings

Configuring Mail Server for E-Mail Notifications - 3

1.Check Advanced settings in Main Menu > System Administration (Ctrl+Alt+A) > Email tab.

2.Enter the following:

Email – Email address to use for outgoing mail

SMTP Server – Email server address

User – Email or login for authentication to the SMTP server

Password – Password for user email account

System Signature – User defined System description that will identify the System in outbound emails

Support Signature – Support website for the DW Spectrum installation

Port – SMTP port. Choose Auto, 25, 465, or 587

Connection type – Choose Secure connection using TLS, Secure connection using SSL, or Unsecure connection

3.Click the Test button to confirm all settings are valid. If the test fails:

Try a different connection type

Try a different SMTP port

5.If the test is successful, press OK or Apply to accept or Cancel to discard entries.

note Note: Even when Advanced settings are properly configured and emails are working as desired, the simple entry form may display an error.