Configuring Device Using DW Spectrum Client

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Configuring Device Using DW Spectrum Client

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To edit basic proprietary settings

1.Open Camera Settings and go to the Advanced tab.

2.Available controls are determined by the specific camera model. Settings are grouped by Category:

Video Streams Configuration – Use to control Codec and Resolution for the primary stream and in addition Bitrate and FPS for the secondary stream. These values can be separately Reset to Defaults for each stream.

Imaging – Use to adjust Exposure and Extra Settings (such as line frequency), if available for the camera.

Audio – Typically includes audio-in sensitivity and audio-out volume.

Maintenance – Use to perform various levels of camera reboot. See "Resetting Camera" for details.

In addition, for the most commonly-used cameras, DW Spectrum also provides a Web Page tab in the Camera Settings dialog. This tab launches the device's web page, where you can configure additional proprietary device parameters such as in-camera events, security controls, and network settings see "Configuring Device Using Web Page".

Additionally, firmware for certain camera makes can be updated internally, see "Updating Camera's Firmware".

note Note: If no device settings are displayed, the camera is not ONVIF-compliant and cannot support custom configuration.