Diagnosing Offline Devices

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Diagnosing Offline Devices

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DW Spectrum can perform basic diagnostics to determine why a camera is offline. If you cannot fix the problem yourself, it is important to run a diagnostic test prior to contacting support, and provide them with the results.

A camera that is offline will be have an offline icon (camera_offline_disabled) in the Resource Tree and will display NO SIGNAL in layout. Diagnostics can be invoked by pressing the Diagnostics button on the item:

Diagnosing Offline Cameras - 1

Once diagnosis is complete, the analysis and recommended actions will be displayed:

Diagnosing Offline Cameras - 2

Follow the instructions to resolve the issue. If unsuccessful, contact support (see "Contacting Support").

! IMPORTANT: Make sure to click Copy to Clipboard and paste the data into your message prior to sending it to support.