Motion on Camera

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Motion on Camera

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Occurs if motion is detected on camera(s).

! IMPORTANT: recording must be enabled on the selected cameras for this rule to be functional. See "Setting a Recording Schedule" for instructions on enabling and configuring recording.

Basic Parameters

When – motion can be continuous so the event must be defined as occurring when motion "Starts" or "Stops". If no motion occurs for 3 seconds, the current motion event is considered stopped. When motion occurs again, a new motion event is generated.

At – device(s) on which motion detection will be enabled. To specify devices see Selection Lists in Event Rules. Choose <Any Device> to detect motion on all devices.

note Note: A warning notification will open if one or more of the selected cameras does not support motion detection. These cameras will be highlighted in red.

Advanced Parameters

Event Scheduling

Why Event may not work correctly

Recording is disabled for camera(s) that are being monitored.

Motion Mask is not set properly. See "Setting up Motion Detection".

Too many cameras are monitored, triggering too many events to process.

Cameras that are monitored are offline.

Action is not configured properly.

Global notification for this event is disabled.