Opening and Closing a Layout

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Opening and Closing a Layout

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When a user logs into DW Spectrum, all saved layouts to which they have access are listed in the Resource Tree.

To open an existing layout

Drag-and-drop the layout from Layouts in the Resource Tree onto the Viewing Grid

Right-click on the layout in the Resource Tree and choose Open Layout (or press Enter) from the context menu

Right-click on an existing layout in the Navigation Panel and select Open Layout from the context menu to open a list of all layouts available to the current session

Click on the ˅ icon to the right of the last tab in the Navigation Panel to open a list of all layouts available to the current session

If you select a layout that is currently open, focus will shift to that tab. If you select a layout that is not currently open, it will open in a new tab. You can use the first two steps to select and open multiple layouts. Each layout will open in a separate tab. (If a layout is already open it will not be reopened in a second tab.)

note Note: After DW Spectrum is closed, all saved layouts that are open will be restored when the user logs back in.