Users and User Roles

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Users and User Roles

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This section describes how to create, modify, disable or delete users, and how to work with User Roles.

DW Spectrum provides certain predefined User Roles that have preset permissions: Owner, Administrator, Viewer, Advanced Viewers, and Live Viewer, as described in Predefined User Roles”. You can also create custom user roles and assign individual users a custom set of permission, as described in "Roles Management".

To simplify user and User Roles management it is possible to import users from a preexisting corporate network directory ("LDAP"). After the import users will be able to login to DW Spectrum using their existing corporate domain user name and password. See "Adding Users from LDAP Server" for details.

Finally, it is possible to track the actions that users perform in the System. See "Audit Trail of User Actions" for details.