Backing up and Restoring the System Database

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Backing up and Restoring the System Database

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You can create a backup of the database of System settings, user rights and settings, and device configurations, which can be restored in case of failure. If a user creates the backup in the Client, the file is saved as a *.db file. DW Spectrum creates a database backup automatically every 7 days, whenever the product version is updated, and when Systems are merged (see "Merging Systems"). If the backup is created automatically, the file is saved as a *.backup file. More details about backups can be found on the Support Portal.

The System database does not include archives, server data, or local settings.

The default database backup location is C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Digital Watchdog\Digital Watchdog Media Server on Windows and /opt/digitalwatchdog/mediaserver/var on Linux. 

! IMPORTANT: It is best to backup and restore the database on the same computer.

To back up DW Spectrum database

1.Go to Main Menu > System Administration > General 

2.In the Backup and Restore section, click Create Backup.

3.In the dialog that opens, choose a location on the local file system, enter a file name for the backup, then click Save.

To restore DW Spectrum settings from backup

1.Go to Main Menu > System Administration > General

2.In the Backup and Restore section, click Restore from Backup.

3.In the dialog that opens, find the desired database backup file (*.db), then click Open.

4.Click OK in the confirmation dialog to restore the database.

Servers will restart automatically when the System is restored from backup. 

! IMPORTANT: It may be necessary to restart DW Spectrum clients after restoring a database.