Configuring Multi-Server Environment

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Configuring Multi-Server Environment

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DW Spectrum allows many servers to work together, in one or more Systems, for complete scalability.

Servers are identified and merged according to a localSystemId value that is assigned to a server during initial configuration in the Setup Wizard. If "Setup New System" is selected in the Setup Wizard, a new localSystemId is generated. If "Add to Existing System" is selected, the localSystemId is taken from the remote System.

If servers are in different subnets, it is necessary to specify the other server's IP to allow them to merge in separate networks (behind NAT or over the Internet).

When servers are merged, they constantly synchronize all data so it doesn't matter which server the client is connected to. If a video is requested from a remote server, the one the client is connected to will be proxying the video traffic. Licenses are combined as well: if 4 licenses were activated on server A and 10 licenses were activated on server B, the System will have 14 licenses total after the servers are merged.

The maximum recommended scale of a single System, based on lab testing results, is approximately 100 servers and 1000 users, but can vary significantly based on specific environment variables. If you are approaching the recommended System size please consult with Support for scalability planning.

This section describes how to manage multi-server environments to maintain maximum System reliability and performance:

Moving One Server to a Different System

Merging Systems

Detaching a Server

Configuring Failover

Configuring Routing in a Multi-Server Environment

Configuring Time Synchronization in a Multi-Server Environment