Configuring Local Media Folders

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Configuring Local Media Folders

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When DW Spectrum starts, it automatically indexes the designated local media folders and displays them under Local Files in the Resource Tree. The default media folders (customizable) are:

Windows: C:\Users\<username>\Videos\DW Spectrum Media

Linux: /home/<username>/Videos/DW Spectrum Media

Mac OS X: /Users/<username>/Movies/DW Spectrum Media

To add or remove a Media Folder

1.Open Main Menu > Local Settings > General tab

2.In Local Media Folders section, click Add and choose the desired path.

3.To delete a media folder, select the folder from the list and click Remove.

4.Click OK when finished or Cancel to discard changes.

5.DW Spectrum must be restarted for media folder changes to be in effect.

When DW Spectrum restarts, files in the listed folders will display in the Resource Tree under Local Files.

To open local files that are outside the Media Folders

To view local files that are not shown in the Resource Tree, use one of the following:

Drag-and-drop a video file(s) or a folder from Windows Explorer to copy it into the DW Spectrum Viewing Grid

Go to Main Menu and select Open > Files (Ctrl+O) then select the file(s) to be opened

Go to Main Menu and choose Open > Folder then select a folder to be opened

Right-click anywhere on the Viewing Grid to open the context menu, select Open > Folder then choose a folder