Playback in DW Spectrum

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Playback in DW Spectrum

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DW Spectrum provides viewing and playback of the following content:

Cameras – Live and archived footage

I/O Modules – Sound can be recorded from an I/O module with a microphone connected and played live or from archive

Local files – Saved video and image files

In addition to the internal dynamic resolution switching, you can use these manual adjustment features if you are experiencing image stuttering during live streaming, or if there is too much time between actual action and displayed action in Live view:

Setting Item Resolution

Setting Layout Resolution

Configuring Live Buffer Size

Double Buffering

Disabling Blur for Intel HD Graphics

Hardware Video Decoding

There are several tools that make archive search faster and easier -see:

Navigating and Searching Video

Using Bookmarks

This section also describes:

Playing Local Video Files

Exporting Video

Using Audio

Taking Screenshots

Tours – Cycles display through items in a single layout

Showreels (Tour Cycle) – Cycles display through multiple entire layouts