Automatic Device Discovery

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Automatic Device Discovery

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As soon as a server is started and connected to a System, it automatically performs device discovery in its network for devices that are accessible via broadcast. Once a device is discovered, it is displayed in the Resource Tree. 

note NoteFor Axis cameras only  if the "People Counter" function is enabledautomatic discovery will not work in DW Spectrum software.

If a device does not transmit media data, it is marked as offline. If a server is offline, all devices the server is hosting are automatically switched to the offline status. 

Some devices require that a password be created or entered upon the first attempted access. They will be displayed in the Resource Tree but an error message will be displayed when an attempt is made to view streams from such devices.

If a device was deleted and connected again, it will be re-discovered. See "Deleting a Device" for details.

Automatic device discovery can be disabled, see "Disabling Automatic Discovery".

note Note: Once a device is discovered, DW Spectrum adjusts the manufacturer's preset image quality settings and streaming configuration for optimal performance in the DW Spectrum System. See "Preventing DW Spectrum from Changing Manufacturer Settings" to disable these changes.