Preventing DW Spectrum from Changing Manufacturer Settings

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Preventing DW Spectrum from Changing Manufacturer Settings

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When DW Spectrum discovers a camera, it captures the manufacturer's preset image quality settings and streaming configuration, then adjusts these settings to optimize the device for the DW Spectrum System. Manufacturer settings can also be adjusted manually, for example FPS, quality, and bitrate when a recording schedule is defined, or stream settings for a variety of reasons (see "Dual Stream Processing").

However, in some cases, it may be preferable to keep the native settings. For instance, you may want to maintain pre-existing FPS, bitrate, and resolution settings when connecting DW Spectrum to another VMS system. Or, on occasion the ONVIF implementation for a given camera diverges from standard ONVIF enough to make it preferable, or even necessary, to keep the manufacturer settings.

It is possible to prevent the automatic optimization that DW Spectrum performs and use native stream and profile settings instead.

To disable automatic optimization for a single camera

1.Open Camera Settings and go to the Expert tab.

2.Check Keep camera stream and profile settings.

3.Click Apply or OK when finished. To discard changes, click Cancel.

! IMPORTANT: Enabling this flag means FPS and image quality settings in the recording schedule will be ignored.

To disable automatic optimization for all cameras

1.Open Main Menu and go to System Administration > General tab.

2.Uncheck the Allow System to optimize device settings flag.

3.Click Apply or OK when finished. To discard changes, click Cancel.

4.For each camera in your System, use the web page to set desired image settings.