Detaching a Server

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Detaching a Server

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This action can be useful if it is necessary to isolate a server from the current System. This operation is rarely performed.

note Note: If licenses have previously been activated on the server being detached, it will be disabled with the error "Server not found."

To Detach Server from the System Using Server's Web Interface

1.Log in to the web interface of the server that should be detached from the current System.

2.Open the Settings tab and click Detach from the system.

3.Enter the server password and confirm the action.

! IMPORTANT: All DW Cloud users including the Cloud System owner will be deleted when a server is unlinked from the Cloud System. Only the local Owner and local users will remain.

It is also possible to detach a server from a System by restoring the server's factory defaults:

1.Log in to web interface of the server to be detached.

2.Go to the Settings tab and click Restore Factory Defaults.

3.Enter the Server password and confirm the action.