Navigating and Searching Video

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Navigating and Searching Video

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Since an archive may contain a significant volume of video data, the following search methods are available to minimize the time spent searching for a particular event or segment.

Timeline – Speeds navigation through live and archived footage. See "Parts of the Timeline" and "Using the Timeline".

Calendar – Zooms the Timeline to a selected date. See "Using the Calendar".

Motion Smart Search – Selects a region on video, refines the archive, and highlight fragments that include motion. See "Performing Motion Smart Search".

Thumbnail Navigation – Small previews are displayed on top of the Timeline to help locate a particular image or event. See "Using Thumbnails".

Preview Search – Select a region and allow for the application to provide videos that represent a time period based on time stamps. See "Preview Search".

Bookmarks – Shis feature lets you select a segment of footage from a single device, give it a name, description and tags, and instantly export the bookmark. See "Using Bookmarks".