Searching Bookmarks

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Searching Bookmarks

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You can use the Bookmark Log to search for and edit Bookmarks. The "Bookmarks Tab" also provides some search and filter operations.

To open the Bookmarks log

1.Open the Main Menu and select Bookmark Log (Ctrl+B).

You can sort any of the headers (Name, Camera, Start time, etc.) in ascending or descending order. You can also filter the Bookmark Log as follows:

Date – Click on the pulldown arrow to open a calendar popup for the start (left date field) and end (right date field) date filter.

Devices – Click on All Camera to open the standard Select Cameras dialog where you can select from the available devices, grouped by server.

SearchText entered in this field yields any Bookmarks containing those characters their Name, Description and Tags fields. Returns up to 1000 results. Results can be cleared by clicking Clear Filter.

The Bookmark Log context menu lets you perform the following operations:

Open in New Tab: opens a new layout tab and plays the highlighted Bookmark (double-click).

Edit Bookmark: opens the Bookmark dialog where you can edit the Name, Description and Tags for the highlighted Bookmark.

Export Bookmark: exports a video file containing the Bookmark(s). Available when multiple Bookmarks are selected (see "Exporting Bookmarks").

Remove Bookmark: deletes the selected Bookmark(s). Available when multiple Bookmarks are selected.