Configuring Server Settings

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Configuring Server Settings

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In addition to the settings that are entered during initial configuration, Administrators can also view and edit these other server parameters.

Secure Connections

To encrypt connections and video traffic encryption, see "Configuring Secure Connections".

See the following topics for advanced information concerning DW Spectrum storage behavior:

Background: Archive Distribution and Retention

Background: Archive Indexing

Background: Archive Backup

To configure server parameters, select the desired server in the Resource Tree, open its context menu, and choose Server Settings.

In the General tab

Name – server can be renamed here or in the Resource Tree.

IP Address – cannot be changed (IP address display in the Resource Tree can be turned on or off using the Show additional info in tree flag).

Port – this value is display only but can be changed from the web client.

Pinginitiates a server status check. If server is not responding, this can help check availability of the computer on which the server is hosted.

Failover – setup and turn failover on or off (see "Configuring Failover"). At least 2 servers are required.

Server Web Page – provides a convenient link to the server web page.

In the Storage Management tab

Storage Locations – add and configure main, external and backup storage locations. See "Configuring Server and NAS Storage".

Backup Archive – see "Configuring Backup and Redundant Storage".

Reindex Archive or Reindex Backup – restores recorded footage if it is moved. See "Reindexing Archives".

In the Storage Analytics tab

To view detailed storage statistics, see "Analyzing and Predicting Storage Usage".