
School security poses a unique set of challenges — a balance of keeping costs down while maintaining safety as a high priority. As institutions physically grow, so do the concerns over monitoring and securing sprawling campuses. Robust surveillance solutions, paired with the power of DW Spectrum, ensure the safety of students and administrators at schools nationwide. With a user-friendly interface and optimized video search tools, DW Spectrum enables seamless video management, no matter how small or large the system.
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Key Benefits

Real-time detection and response to incidents.

DW solutions help you and your team be prepared for a variety of threats - from behavioral incidents to accidents, weather emergencies, or even the rare active assailant. Paired with powerful analytics from our MEGApix® IVATM cameras and our third-party partners, DW Spectrum IPVMS provides security teams early incident detection, reduced false alarms and situational awareness. Threats can trigger automated rules and actions to lock school doors remotely or have networked speakers broadcast important safety information to classrooms and mobile devices.

Keep schools safe with threat prevention solutions.

From K-12 to college campuses, DW solutions help prevent unauthorized access and protect students, staff and property. DW Spectrum IPVMS is scalable and flexible, providing actionable intelligence and maximum coverage. Visitor management using rules and actions for automated access control lets you decide who enters the property.

Intelligent security for schools and campuses.

DW helps secure your school so staff can work, educators can teach and students can learn. Our DW Spectrum IPVMS, paired with our MEGApix IVA. cameras or third-party partners for audio and access control technology can offer enhanced visibility, control and communications locally on campus and across the school district. Automated solutions provide early threat detection to help prevent or minimize security incidents.

Defend school premises and property.

DW's surveillance solutions can tackle a variety of sensitive incidents from petty vandalism to break-ins and arson. DW can help you protect your school property with vehicle access management, loitering and access alert to restricted areas such as rooftops and athletic fields. Our technology helps you remotely monitor your perimeter and identify suspects if incidents do occur. Early detection of risky behavior can also help protect students and staff from accidental injury - and your school from costly liability.

Recommended Solutions

Panoramic Solutions
MEGApix® Ai
Blackjack Ai Servers
SiteWatchTM Perimeter Protection
Star-Light PlusTM Technology
CaaSTM All-in-One Solutions
Blackjack® Servers
DW Spectrum® IPVMS
C3TM CMS Software

Case Studies

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